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Wednesday, 24 September 2014
Tuesday, 10 December 2013
Five(5) Months.
Yep this kid is five months old already. That was quite possibly the quickest five months I have experienced. I will say though that there were more then a few of the longest nights I have ever experienced.
I can already tell you that my boy is going to be a rock star. He loves anything to do with music and can sing his little heart out. Just like his Dada. He also has quite a soft spot for Katy Perry. He gets that from his mama.
He is all about rolling onto his tummy these days. He loves rolling around, playing with anything he can get his hands on and mostly sneaking into bed with mama once dada has left for work. Cheeky, we know. Although I am to blame for that one.
He has the best style, as you can see from this amaze hair he already has going on.
Trey can laugh and giggle until the whole room is joining in. Then he can squeal the house down.
He LOVES bath time and on especially hot days he loves to play under the hose on the grass.
He has made our lives so full and we love everyday and every moment spent with him and beautiful personality.
We love you Atreyu.
A Socially Acceptable Post
So now that we are into December and it is socially acceptable to have christmas decorations up I thought I would share a few bits from our house. The truth is I decorated and put the tree up the middle of last month. I always have been a rule breaker.
This Christmas is already a blast, even though most days are super busy and life stops me from starring at the tree lights for too long. I have loved planning a christmas with my very own Son in mind. I am positive they are only going to get better from here on.
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This is the ornament we got made for Trey's first christmas. I love it! |
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The first Santa photo that every kid has to have. |
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Daniel got Trey this Reindeer, I can't wait until next year when he will be running around the house with it. |
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I got these cushions for only $7 each. Such a bargain I just had to share. |
This Christmas is already a blast, even though most days are super busy and life stops me from starring at the tree lights for too long. I have loved planning a christmas with my very own Son in mind. I am positive they are only going to get better from here on.
Trey loves looking at the lights on the tree and he especially loves reading all his Christmas books. He gets to open a present twice a week for this month that contains a new Christmas book. Even though he is still small and doesn't get the whole present thing he LOVES reading his new books. I have a feeling my love for this holiday is going to rub off on him. At least I am really hoping.
Merry Christmas!
Monday, 14 October 2013
We're Back!
How can so many months pass so quickly? One word - BABY. As you can see our beautiful little boy joined our family. He is now 3 months old. Three months old can you believe it?!
I have made a commitment to myself to get right back into blogging. I will somehow manage my day so I have a few moments to write about anything and everything. I am really looking forward to catching up and taking time to remember the best parts of my day.
That photo right there is everything. My loves. My true loves.
Right now I have a stirring baby that wants his mumma to come and give him some attention so I am off to attend to that dream boat of a boy and will be back soon.
Tuesday, 2 July 2013
Sunday, 2 June 2013
An End, A Beginning
I am right at the tale of end of my eighth month of pregnancy. The end of this month brought with it the end of my time at work. I finished up and for the first time in ten years I am not employed. It has definitely brought with it a huge sense of freedom. It has also brought with it nerves - mostly of the gross financial kind. BUT what it has brought with it that over takes every other emotion is the start of a new beginning. A new career, job and place in the world. I am going to be a Mum. What a blessing. I have longed for the day I could start this role and I am so glad, so thankful it is here.
Over the last week my body has started showing me it is getting ready to bring this baby into our world. I can feel that the day we will be meeting our boy is very close and I am so looking forward to it.
Over the next couple of weeks I will be getting our home ready to accommodate this little person and hoping that he doesn't surprise us with an early entrance. At least not before I have all of his things in place.
Get ready world because this boy is on his way.
Monday, 20 May 2013
I can not believe how far along I am. It is weird, I feel like I can't remember a time I wasn't pregnant but at the same time I feel like it has flown. I finish work in a week and a half, so looking forward to the rest. I am especially looking forward to spending as much time as I can with family and friends before baby boy arrives and we are flat out for a while.
I think this boy has dropped right into position because my stomach shrunk and dropped over night and his movements are feeling very different now. I have an OB appointment with a scan today so she will be able to let me know for sure.
Here is a quick update...
How far along? 33 weeks.
Total weight gain/loss: 8kgs.
Maternity Clothes: I have a few things but hate spending money on clothes when I am so close to the end, hence why I am often seen wearing the same thing. My dryer is on continuously due to having to wash my few clothes every couple of nights.
Stretch marks? Nope, starting to wonder if I have escaped them.
Sleep: So tired all the time but sleeping is harder then I thought. Between toilet trips, trying to get comfortable and my new habit of waking up with every noise.
Best moment this week: Seeing all the little clothes on the line.
Miss Anything? Sleeping on my belly and getting up without a lot of moaning and groaning.
Movement: Baby boy seems to be falling into a schedule with his movements seeming to happen the most in the mid morning and between 8pm and 10pm is crazy baby time with so many movements I think he is going to jump right out.
Food cravings: Cold milk milo drinks. YUM!
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope.
Labor Signs: Nothing.
Current Symptoms: Heart burn is killing my life, I can not wait to be rid of this symptom.
Belly Button in or out? In, just!
Wedding rings on or off? Off, I tried to wear them yesterday as we were going out but I could see my finger suffocating and eventually it started to really hurt so I had to take them off.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy but emotional.
Looking forward to: Finishing work :)
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