Monday, 25 June 2012
Food, Ikea, Movies, Renovations and More Food.
This weekend was one of those weekends that seemed longer than a normal one but now that it is over it seems to have flown by. It was a bitter sweet weekend for me. The weekend itself was great jam packed with lots of my favourite things but unfortunately on Saturday morning my Uncle Ken passed away. I will introduce you to him later in the week.
On Friday night Daniel and I had a spontaneous date night. For some reason no matter how well I plan dates these spontaneous ones always seem to take the cake. We headed to IKEA to do some shopping for a few much needed storage items. Once that was done we got some Japanese for dinner. Then back to IKEA for some desert. Our favourite Japanese restaurant was closed so we tried a different one and I have to say it was pretty good. Once we bellies were full we went to watch Snow White and the Huntsman in Gold Class. Yes we splurged but it was so much better. So comfy. I liked the movie. Daniel isn't as much a fan of fairy tales as I am.
On Saturday Daniel had to work and didn't get home until after 6pm. So I surprised him with some home made dumplings. I even made the pastry. I was very proud. However, I will admit that I did have a breakdown mid way through steaming and locked myself in the bathroom for ten minutes and left Daniel in charge. Not a good moment but it passed. They were yummy but I think next time I will do them even better.
Sunday we got right into our bathroom renovation and got a lot done. It is really starting to look good. I can not wait until its finished. We finished the weekend off with a yummy dinner and a night on the couch.
Life is good.
The Weekend According To My Iphone.
This is the sun shining in my window at work right when it was home time. Finally some sun!
Our bathroom is ALMOST finished. Can't wait to show you.
I put my hours of pinterest searching to good use and made some cupcakes I had found a recipe for.
Daniel in heaven (Bunnings).
Friday night date night. Japanese.
My first attempt at dumplings. I may or may not have almost burnt the house down.
Beautiful native flowers. One reason I love this country.
Date night, part two, Gold Class movies to see Snow White and the Huntsman.
Finishing date night off at IKEA.
Choosing a light for the bathroom. We decided on the far left one.
Me in pantry heaven.
Friday, 22 June 2012
I have been wanting to share something with you. For the past six weeks I have been getting acupuncture. I can not even begin to tell you how nervous I was before going into my first session. I am someone who has never got a single needle without someone there holding my hand so this was very daunting for me. However, much to my surprise I loved it. Absolutely loved it.
I want you to try it. All of you. I started acupuncture for a specific issue which we are still working on but the benefits I have got out of it so far are amazing. It has helped me to feel relaxed, calm, improved my sleeping dramatically and given me more energy through the day. I am hoping to report back shortly with a success story in my main reason for going but even if I only get the improvements just mentioned I will be and am a very happy vegemite.
Most importantly I want to tell you IT DOES NOT HURT. I promise you that. I also promise you that you will walk away from it feeling like you just had a one hour relaxation massage. Amazing.
Wednesday, 20 June 2012
A Room In Our House
Guess Who Is Going On Holidays
If you guessed me....then you are correct. My sister and I are heading to Thailand for a week of shopping and relaxing BUT most importantly a week of amazingly delicious seafood. Its not for another couple of months but I am so excited. Mr Husband said he wants to stay at home and work on the renovations instead! I am not taking it personally. I might still be able to talk him into it.
That is the highlight of my week so far. Daniel has soccer tonight so I am trying to think of something yummy and super healthy to cook for dinner. Any suggestions? I might just go with the safe option of brussels sprouts.
I can't write about much else as all I can think about is lying by the pool in the hot sticky sunshine. Ah.
Monday, 18 June 2012
Monday, ew.
The sun is finally out. Yesterday was the first day in months that I put washing on the line and it actually dried. I was and still am very about this. Little wins like this are much appreciated in my new domesticated lifestyle.
We celebrated Daniel's BFF's 30th Birthday on the weekend. We got all dressed up, which isn't something Dan and I do often. I loved my dress and I even put some false eyelashes on which I loved. I am going to do that again next time I have an occasion. Love.
We celebrated Daniel's BFF's 30th Birthday on the weekend. We got all dressed up, which isn't something Dan and I do often. I loved my dress and I even put some false eyelashes on which I loved. I am going to do that again next time I have an occasion. Love.
This is an extreme close up but I want you to see my eyelashes. And my messy eyebrows.....
Friday, 15 June 2012
What The Letter C Means to Me.
Yesterday my hormones gave me the heads up that I have entered the week that I am referred to as Clomid Crazy. I will be the first to admit that during this time I am extremely scary. I am the happiest, crankiest and saddest person you will ever meet. If you think I am hard to be around for this week you are right. But when your thinking about what terrible company I am take a moment to think about how it feels to actually be me during this week. It is exhausting. Feeling so many emotions is the most draining feeling. I don't even know if I am happy or sad. My hormones take over for the week and I have no control over my actions. We can add this one to the list of why my husband should be awarded with some type of medal.
On a more sane note, we are in the process of updating our bathroom. It is looking fantastic so far. i have a beautiful new vanity and don't even get me started on the new tap. Tupac assists with the renovation by doing the below. Thanks, Tupac.
Another thing I love about the new bathroom is the feature tile we have that will be put around the wall and under the mirror in rows of three. Speaking of the mirror - does anyone know where I can find some gorgeous mirrors? They are hard to find. This photo does not do it justice but you get the picture. I can't wait to show you the finished product.
The long and the short of this story is - you may or may not want to read any of my posts over the next week. I can not guarantee that you will not be traumatised by the craziness that is inside me.
Wednesday, 13 June 2012
Happy Hump Day.
Starting my working week on Hump Day is totally OK with me. I had a pretty tuff week last week and I am so happy to say that this week has started off good. I have made it to Wednesday with no break downs or tears. Which sounds dramatic but lately with all the efforts in certain departments being moody and dramatic is often a normal part of my personality.
I had a break through last night and found comfort in a place I was not expecting to. Since then, I am feeling good. Confident, hopeful and excited.
Today, I feel like everything will be ok and confident that everything is happening just the way it is meant to.
I am enjoying this feeling. I think this is what peaceful feels like.
Monday, 11 June 2012
This weekend according to my Iphone.

This has been the best Monday in a long while. We owe this to the Queen herself for giving us the day off to celebrate her Birthday. I love a long weekend. I took two extra days off, mostly to get things done around the house. Although you would never guess that by looking at the state of my house. I still have one more day off before I have to go back to work so I am pretty pleased at this second. Tonight I am going to try and cook salmon for the VERY first time. Here goes.
Thursday, 7 June 2012
When Rain Is Welcomed.
You know life is good when your hubby surprises you with something that has been on your wish list for a long time. This is also a sign that your hubby ROCKS.
Thanks Mr. Husband!
Wednesday, 6 June 2012
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