Wednesday, 31 October 2012


I love reading other peoples blogs! Love them, they inspire me, wow me and remind me how good life is. I was inspired by the Daybook Blog when Sydney did a post about fake bangs. I was instantly excited, I have never heard about these fake bangs. For months I have been saying I want to cut my fringe but I never seemed to find the guts to do it. 

Last weekend I find them and gave them a go. what do you think? I am in love. I wore them out to a girlfriends birthday dinner and no one guessed they were fake. I am so impressed with my new purchase. I am sure you will now see my fake bangs popping up all over the blog. 

I purchased the Jessica Simpson brand and I am super happy with them. Its real hair so you can use hair product, wash etc. They can go to the side or forward. 

This is LOVE.

Monday, 29 October 2012

Let Them Eat

Yesterday we decided to head to a local 'Food Fair' that was being trialled by CRAVE.  We love food and especially anything home grown and organic so we jumped at this event.  Plus with my vegetable garden being in between crops I am missing the freshness so I was excited about this.

The fresh fruit and veges were amazing!! We stocked up on as many as we thought we could eat and then we got the all important part of filling our tummies full of as much of the yummy food as we could.

It was actually a really good time. Hanging out with Daniel is one of my favourite things and these days it hard to find the time for time for just us so it was even more of a bonus.

Life has been so busy lately with a lot of change so moments like this remind me that we are still just us and I love that.

Tuesday, 2 October 2012

Summer Love.

I am so glad summer is on the horizon. Spring even feels like summer with 34 degree days. Its my heaven. I am by no means an expert in fashion but I am loving the gorgeous bright colours that are spreading themselves across the stores. I am so looking forward to everything being bright especially my wardrobe. Daniel and I just booked a tropical trip overseas in February and it is getting me even more excited for weekends by the pool and my all time favourite - beach hair!

This is what I am excited about...


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