Sunday, 2 June 2013

An End, A Beginning

I am right at the tale of end of my eighth month of pregnancy. The end of this month brought with it the end of my time at work. I finished up and for the first time in ten years I am not employed. It has definitely brought with it a huge sense of freedom. It has also brought with it nerves - mostly of the gross financial kind.  BUT what it has brought with it that over takes every other emotion is the start of a new beginning. A new career, job and place in the world. I am going to be a Mum. What a blessing. I have longed for the day I could start this role and I am so glad, so thankful it is here.

Over the last week my body has started showing me it is getting ready to bring this baby into our world. I can feel that the day we will be meeting our boy is very close and I am so looking forward to it.

Over the next couple of weeks I will be getting our home ready to accommodate this little person and hoping that he doesn't surprise us with an early entrance. At least not before I have all of his things in place.

Get ready world because this boy is on his way.


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