Another weekend gone, so quick! To keep with the quickness here is a quick recap and the weekend according to my Iphone.
- Daylight Savings ended. This means summer really is over and there are more dark hours then there is light hours.
- My girlfriends Hawaiian themed birthday party, so much fun!
- Daniel passed his motor bike license. The search for a bike begins, cross your fingers he is into cheap bikes.
- Early Easter dinner with our best friends and their gorgeous daughter (our goddaughter). I love seeing how excited she gets when you give her a new Dora anything…!
- Lots of red things – nail polish, red velvet cupcakes and my first strawberry of the season. Yum! And my search continues for the perfect pair of red pants/jeans.
- April Fools Day, finally almost having success with glad wrap over the toilet bowl trick! Almost, one year this will work.
Daniel has somehow managed to talk me into trying a boot camp tonight. For the record, I am the girl that always came last in sport where I could made excuses not to participate to save myself the embarrassment. Due to this I am the most unfit un energetic person of everyone I know. So the fact that I am trying this is HUGE. I am really nervous and already feeling embarrassed. Luckily Daniel is being a supportive husband and doing it with me. Wish me luck!!
I also want to remind everyone that it is EASTER this weekend, in case you had some type of mental blank. I love Easter. Chocolate, yummy food, public holidays – what’s not to love?
Before I think about that though I am off to cry in the bathroom at the thought of having to do boot camp…. Ah!
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