Wednesday, 21 March 2012

A Weekend Love In

The Love In is over. It was the best weekend. The weather totally came to the party and rained in the morning and evenings just perfectly. There was lots of movie watching, eating, walking Mr Dog along the beach, lying in bed for no reason other then it being the cosiest spot in the house and of course, fishing.

I love spending time with my hubby. If I could have him all to myself all the time, I would. Selfish, yes. I am so looking forward to being lots of O babies into our family but while its just us I am going to spend every second I can smothering this man with affection.

The Love In attendees.

My only catch of the weekend, I am too scared to hold the fish myself. 

I am more then happy for grocery stores to bring the buns well before Easter. 

I still wear my food.....

I am already counting down until our next weekend away, May our wedding anniversary (No.2). 

1 comment:

  1. PS. Of course I put that bubba fish back into the ocean.



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